Dating Advice Women Want Men to Know | Dr. NerdLove

When you hear the term “Pick Up Artist” you may picture a cheesy guy telling embarrassingly bad lines to a girl like….”Did it hurt? When you fell from Heaven?” Or “If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together.” Or even more ridiculous “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only 10 I see!” I’m pretty sure that these so-called “Pick Up Lines” never actually picked anyone up. Best case they got a laugh but most likely they were dealt an EPIC eye roll from the extremely unimpressed lady that had the misfortune to hear them. I’m not even sure if this caricature of a pick up artist ever really existed, but I do know that the modern Pick Up Artist community does exist and it does have trainable methods that can help men get out of their houses and start approaching real women in the real world with more confidence. Guys like Rolling Stones writer, Neil Strauss, popularized this underground community in his bestselling book “The Game”. “Neil Strauss was a High School Loser, Never Made it with the Ladies, Till the boys told him something he missed.” Wait a second….was that the lyrics from the Aerosmith song “Walk This Way”? Never the less….Neil was not good with the ladies and the Pick Up Artist community taught him how. He actually became one of the best in the world at picking up women. He then started going around the country to spread the gospel of picking up women.

Our guest today, Harris O’Malley aka Dr. NerdLove, participated in one of Neil Strauss’s Pick Up Artist seminars to learn how to be better with women. This completely changed his life. He became more confident which allowed him to be his true self. The Pick Up Artist community was a jumping off point for him but not the end. He became a master at picking up women but having a long lasting meaningful relationship was still very illusive. He walked away from the Pick Up Artist world and developed the skills to have a real relationship. Today he has it all and he shares the skills he fought hard to learn though his books, podcast, articles, website and private coaching. His podcast Paging Dr. NerdLove is a must for any man trying to understand women better….let’s be honest that’s every guy. Just listen to these great titles from the Paging Dr. NerdLove podcasts “What Men Get Wrong About Women”, “What’s the line Between Flirting And Harassment?”, “The 5 Texting Mistakes That Cost You Dates”, “This is What Makes You Creepy”. How much to you want to listen to these shows? Dr. NerdLove has an amazing ability to deliver his message. He’s a cross between Howard Stern’s blunt honestly, Robin William’s ultra fast and sharp comedic mind, and Dr. Ruth’s straight forward sex talk. You’ll be laughing your butt off as you’re learning important dating and relationship skills. Before you turn off our podcast and go check out Paging Dr. NerdLove, listen to this awesome interview with the Doctor himself right now.


Jeff Harrison