Female Orgasms Unite and Take Over | Stefania Brandner

When you hear the word meditation, an image of a wise old monk setting on top of a mountain with his legs crossed, back straight, eyes closed, hands resting on his knees with the index and thumb touching might pop into your head. He’s in some kind of magical trance that takes years of training to control the mind well enough to achieve. Many of us in our go go go modern world often feel like we are missing out on something if we are not meditating three hours a day or at the very least being mindful and present in our body and mind. We want to feel connected but we don’t know how.

You may be thinking….ok Terah, I want to start meditating but what’s the best for me. There are so many different types of meditation practices out there Zen Meditation, Guided Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Mantra Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga Meditation, Third Eye Meditation, Tantra Meditation, Sound Meditation, Taoist Meditation, and much more. Those all sound great but I’m not really sure what’s different about all of them. However, I have one that is much different than all of these. It’s called Orgasmic Meditation….that got your attention, and yes, you heard me right….Orgasmic Meditation. This is far from a monk meditating in silent on a rocky mountain top. More like screaming in extreme pleasure on top of a mountain of fluffy pillows.

Our guest today, Stefania Brandner is the owner of Rewild Coaching where she works with women who are fed up with their routines and want to embrace their inner wildness. She practices virtual Orgasmic Meditation training to help women be more in touch with their body and sexuality. Since it is virtual (meaning it is on Skype), clients will be in the comfort of their own house as Stefania guides them to optimize their Orgasmic Meditation practice. She provides relevant information regarding the technique, tailored exercises and how to maximize sensations to the women participating and allows these women the space to benefit from the experience without any expectations. Stefania transports women out of their unfulfilling sexual history into a future full of open and connected sexual adventures that prioritize their pleasure with the respect it deserves. Sound interesting? Want to learn more about how Orgasmic Meditation actually works from Stefania herself? Me too!

Website: https://www.rewildcoaching.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RewildCoaching

Jeff Harrison