What's Up With Porn? | David Ley

It's everywhere. Accessible anytime, on any device, with just the click of a button. It's the dirty little secret most of us don’t talk about, at least not in polite company. Some people hide it, lie about it, and are ashamed of it. Others are comfortable with it and enjoy it as a healthy part of their daily lives. It can destroy relationships. It can also create an intensity that connects couples together and leads to mind-blowing sexual intimacy.


Why is it so polarizing? Why does it scare us? Why does it turn us on? Why do some find it shameful while others can’t live without it?

Today, I’m joined by clinical psychologist and sex therapist David Ley. David is an internationally-recognized expert on issues related to sexuality, pornography and mental health. We discuss the myths and realities about porn, how men and women use and view porn, and how porn can enhance sexual intimacy when couples use porn consensually in their relationships.

No matter where you stand on the subject, you’ll learn a lot from our discussion. So let’s do it – let’s talk about the dirty little secret: porn.

Jeff Harrison