Does Money Really Cause Most Divorces? - Russell Baxter, LPC

Russell Baxter, LPC is in the process of writing the book "Sharing Your Heart Sharing Your Treasure". This book is all about how money effects relationships and tools to help couples build a stronger relationship with money instead of letting it tear them apart. Russell has found that most people are more likely to talk about their sex lives rather than their finances. He is trying to spark a more open discussion about money in relationships and give couples a gameplan to create structure that will bring them together.

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Jeff Harrison
Better Sex and Relationship Coach App Juicebox - Brianna Rader

Brianna Rader, Juicebox app founder, has an amazing app that helps individuals or couples have better sex and relationships. The app connects people one-on-one with sex dating and relationship coaches anonymously. It's usually for people that want to talk about their dating life. Maybe they're single and they're tired of being single or people that are in long term relationships or marriages where they're arguing a lot or they're unhappy with their sex lives. Maybe they're bored, maybe they want to change things up, and then also we work with a lot of people that are struggling with erectile issues, performance, anxiety, women that have never had an orgasm. You know that whole umbrella of topics around intimacy and sex and love. The Juicebox app can be downloaded to any smartphone.

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Jeff Harrison
The Pleasure Principle - Amy Waterman

In this episode we interview Amy Waterman, author of "The Pleasure Principle, How Pleasure Wins You Health, Happiness and Love". Amy helps woman find more life-affirming choices that focuses more on pleasure instead of simply avoiding pain. Most women find themselves working for others pleasure and forget their own. A little secret Amy shared is that when a woman experiences pleasure that turns her man on which acts like a Virtual Viagra. She also said that women need to tap into their inner "Bad Girl" that knows how to please herself. Amy provides so much great advice in this interview that we are positive will help many woman live a more fulfilling life. Enjoy!

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Whine With Wine: Unfiltered "GIRL TALK"

Imagine being a fly on the wall at a winery as a group of women explore their inner thoughts with NO filter. This is exactly what we do in our monthly series Whine With Wine. This is “Girl Talk” that is not for those with delicate ears. Let us transport you to a forbidden wonderland that explores the crazy things that happen in modern relationships. Grab your popcorn and enjoy!

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Jeff Harrison
How To Build Trust In A Relationship With Gay Kelso

Gay Kelso explains how to build a deeper trust in your relationship. She talks about how to adjust after a divorce with children, how social media is making it difficult for couples to build quality trust and how important it is to push through difficult times to develop a deeper more meaningful trust with your partner.

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Jeff Harrison
Women Release Your Sexual Beast

Women desire to be a beast in the bedroom but they have obstacles preventing them from letting loose. We talk about how to knock down these obstacles by acknowledging them, switching your brain to sexy time and give woman permission to enjoy sex.

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Jeff Harrison
Women Be More Direct

Women need to be more direct because men need a clear mission. Terah will explain how to be more direct with examples of how women naturally ask for something and how to improve it to get what you really want.

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Jeff Harrison
Validate Her Get More Sex

This is our first episode of Make More Love Not War podcast. If you would like to be on our show or have any questions, feel free to email us at or

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Jeff Harrison